Grammar Challenge!

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4 Responses to Grammar Challenge!

  1. Ilaria :) says:

    It’s cold outside today. Writing’s difficult for some people. The girls’ coats were lying on the floor. “That’s my bag!” I shouted to the security guards. Who’s that waving at the window?

  2. Adi says:

    It’s cold outside today.
    Writing’s difficult for some people.
    The girls’ coats were lying on the floor.
    “That’s my bag!” I shouted to the security guards.
    Who’s that waving at the window?

  3. Yeseo says:

    It’s cold outside today.
    Writing’s difficult for some people.
    The girls’ coats were lying on the floor.
    “That’s my bag!” I shouted to the security guards.
    Who’s that waving at the window?

  4. Phoebe says:

    It should go by It’s, Writing’s, Girl’s, That’s and Who’s.

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