Home Learning

There are five cubs and two parents living in my garden. The two adults first came last summer, and they stole all five of our chickens. The cubs were born in March this year.
The foxes like to eat rodents (for example, mice), rabbits and birds. They also enjoy earthworms and insects.
Home for the foxes is underneath the studio. The small foxes come out of the holes at the front of the studio and the mum and dad fox come out of the back of the studio. The foxes play a game called rollover and tag.
The foxes have three dens, one of them is here, the second one is behind the tram line and the third one is in my neighbour’s garden.
We enjoy living with the foxes however they are destroying our garden because they dig holes and play in the rhubarb.
The RSPCA advises people not to feed foxes AND NOT TO TRY TO MAKE THEM TAME!

Well done to Louie for sending in the above piece of writing. You have clearly spent a long time composing and editing this piece of writing. You have used a vide variety of genre appropriate language and have used lots of adjectives for description to enable us to fully engage with the text. I loved reading about the foxes in your garden!

Watch the following videos of the foxes feeding and playing in Louie’s garden.

Thanks Louie!

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14 Responses to Home Learning

  1. kruthven says:

    Wow Louie, great work!

    My irrelevant information for the Year 5 page blog this week was that I have three hedgehogs that come into my garden each night. Your news and writing is much more exciting and engaging than my post though, well done!

  2. Phoebe says:

    Our neighbours have two parents and three cubs in their garden and we often see the playing. We spotted the cubs 3 weeks ago and they have grown so much since then.

  3. Grace says:

    Down the road there is a family that found three tortoise in their backyard. They are very fast for tortoise and there shells are different patterns.

  4. Grace says:

    Down the road there is a family that found three tortoise in their backyard. They are very fast for tortoise and there shells are different patterns. The fox video was very interesting.

  5. Ariel ( ͡ಥ ͜ʖ ͡ಥ) says:

    I don’t even have a garden, or a balcony 🙁

  6. Ariel ( ͡ಥ ͜ʖ ͡ಥ) says:

    Oops, dupilcate comment sorry.

  7. Catherine says:

    Nice work!

  8. Amy :D says:

    That’s very good Louie. You should write more i would love to read them. Keep it up!!

  9. Wahab :) says:

    That is very good Louie! Keep up the good work.

  10. Ansaar says:

    Well done Louie you have done a very good job!!:)

  11. Sophia says:

    Well done Louie that is very good! Its really nice to read poems and stories like this.

  12. Louie says:

    thanks it took a lot of work to do it

  13. Iasna says:

    If your lucky you could see Richard III.

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