Leavers’ Google Meet

What are your thoughts about our Leavers’ Assembly compromise?

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12 Responses to Leavers’ Google Meet

  1. Catherine says:

    I’m quite upset and disappointed that we can’t have a proper assembly with Group A, Group B, the parents and teachers. I was also looking forward to a funny slideshow of pictures from when we were young! ):

  2. Sophia says:

    I think its a good idea but I don’t think its ever going to be the same as an actual leavers assembly/party.

  3. Grace says:

    Will there still be a power point to watch or not?

  4. Sophia says:

    Mr burns I am also really stuck on the maths sheet [clue one] I don’t understand when it says solve the anagram or what clue it solves.!!!

  5. Jake says:

    I’m really annoyed that we might not be able to have our assembly and that the yearbooks and hoodies will take longer to get then they would have if we didn’t have covid19.

  6. Yeseo (•-•) says:

    Mr. Burns, is the Google meet starting yet?

  7. Ansaar says:

    I am quite sad that we can’t have a whole class party but on the bright side we are still going to have one! 🙂

  8. Imani says:

    I am happy that we are still having a leavers assembly but it wont be the same as doing it with everyone and also we wont have out leavers hoodies and yearbooks.

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