
What is happening in this photograph and what learning is it demonstrating?

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13 Responses to Science

  1. Ewen says:

    The light source shines a beam of light onto the object and that is what allows us to see the object.

  2. TAHA says:

    I like science

  3. W says:

    The light from the light source is bouncing onto sule who is the object to reflect onto amys eyes so she can see him.

  4. sophia says:

    The light source shines a beam of light which hits the object and bounces of which makes us see the object.

  5. Imani says:

    it is showing that the light source is going onto an object and the light on the object is bouncing onto our eyes that is how we see the object.

  6. Yeseo says:

    Amy (light source)
    Suleman (object)
    Me (An eye)

    The object bounces the electromagnetic radiation into our eyes. Did you know that electromagnetic radiation always goes in a straight line AND a wavy line?

  7. max says:

    They are displaying how light moves (electromagnetic radiation) and how it travels through the air (in straight lines – waves) and the light is bouncing of an object into our eyes.

  8. Eleni says:

    I think the light source (Amy) is sending electro magnetic radiations (which always travels in a strait line) to the surface (Sule) which then goes to the human eye (Yeseo)

    If the surface is shiny it will go strait if the surface is rough it will skater.

  9. Tyler says:

    This was fun to learn about

  10. Ariel says:

    I am here from 2020, I just got bored so I just went to the oldest post I can find haha.

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