Skellig Covers

As always, your comments and constructive feedback is encouraged.






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5 Responses to Skellig Covers

  1. A d a m says:

    Ewen, I think your cover is quite colourful and if I saw it without knowing what the book is about I might think it was a very happy story.

  2. Max Essery says:

    Amy why does it say ‘SKLLIG’ on yours instead of ‘SKELLIG’ ?

    • aburns says:

      I’m not sure that this is the best art I’ve seen from Amy.
      It look a little sparse and possibly rushed. I do, however, like the questions posed. They add a sense of mystery and would encourage me to read the book.

  3. aburns says:

    I like that Taha has been using his pencil sketching skills when drawing his figures.
    House point for Phoenix.

  4. aburns says:

    I like the sense of atmosphere that Elpida has created in her cover with the tree silhouettes. I feel that there is also a sense of loneliness in the composition of the small figure suspended in the night sky. Also, the moon being 3D through the use of collage is a nice touch. Well done! 3 house points to unicorns.

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