
What content would you like to see more of on our class blog?

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20 Responses to Suggestions

  1. Eleni says:

    I would like some more of PSHE and French

    • C Sharkey says:

      Good morning! I just wanted to let you know that I’ve been in touch with the Headteacher of our penpals’ school. Obviously the French children cannot go to school at the moment either, so I don’t know how much contact he has with them. However, it would be fun if we could get some conversations going on the blog with your penpals. I’ll let you know….!
      Stay safe, all!
      Mme Sharkey

  2. Ewen says:

    I would like there to be more P4C questions as they really stimulate me to think deeply about my answers.

  3. Adam says:

    Please can you add more descriptive writing!

  4. Catherine says:

    I agree with Adam, more descriptive writing please!

  5. Ilaria :) says:

    I would like more descriptive writing and more French, please. 🙂

  6. Elpida says:

    I would like more quotes that make you think and P4C.

  7. Yeseo ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) says:

    I don’t know if this is sensible or not, but I want a place where we can talk about interesting thigs happening in our life: I remember enjoying ‘Irrelevant Information’ with Mr. Woolton!

  8. Yeseo ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) says:

    Also, we haven’t done anything about Music on the blog in ages!!!

  9. Phoebe says:

    Something about what you are reading. Something to do with punctuation. French. PAHE. Something to do with music. And lastly art.

  10. Phoebe says:

    Some more online safety. And I’m my last post I said PASE instead of PHSE.

  11. Noam says:

    More french and online safety. I also agree with Ariel.

  12. jake says:

    More creative writing activities.

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