
What are your thoughts about beginning secondary school in September? Are you excited? Or anxious? What are you looking forward to? What will you miss about primary school?

Share your thoughts in the comments. 

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41 Responses to Transition

  1. ethan says:

    i will be sad to not see my class mats but i have a friend there

  2. Yeseo (@-@) says:

    I’m really excited but I’m still really scared – I think because of the virus this is harder.

  3. ethan says:

    i will see my friend still

  4. ethan says:

    i will see my friend stil

  5. Imani says:

    I am really exited to go to secondary school because its a change and i exited to meet new people see the new clubs you get to do and see all of the new things i get to do. But i am also a bit scared because the school will be so big you will probably get lost and the lessons will be a lot harder also i will miss my friends at school.I am scared because i sometimes get shy around people i don’t know so i think i will find it hard to make new friends.

  6. Sophia says:

    I think I will miss most of the teachers and my friends [because some will come to the same school as me] but I think secondary school will be quit fun and interesting.

  7. Yeseo (-^-) says:

    We can buy the school uniform online – and there’s loads of letters coming through the mail and I have to read a bunch of letters -_-

  8. Sasha says:

    I am really excited to making new friends and having a lot of fun but i am definitely going to miss my friends and the teachers!!! I am really happy that I am going to Richards as most of my friends are going so i will feel more comfortable!!! I hope that when we are in Secondary School, that one day we could organise the whole class meeting up and having a fun day! 😀

  9. Ansaar says:

    I am quite excited but quite nervous at the same time. This is because I know that secondary is a bit more strict and they expect really high standards from you all the time! As well as that, I think that I will get used to the timetable quite quickly because after two weeks I am probably going to get used to it and can easily find my way around the school. Even though it is quite big :O

  10. Ansaar says:

    Sorry forgot my full stop.

  11. Ansaar says:

    Hard times Yeseo -_-.

  12. JAKE;]/:[ says:

    I’m actually really looking forward to secondary school in hope that I will make new friends and have lots of fun. I will also try my hardest and be kind.

  13. Imani says:

    I know there are loads of letters that you have to read

  14. Yeseo (-^-) says:

    Also I’m really excited because they have a wider range of clubs 😀

  15. Ilaria! says:

    I’m quite scared to go to my secondary school but I’m also really excited to go because I have a new beginning! I’ll hopefully see my friends still! I’m not the best at making friends but hopefully ill be able to find some! I’m really nervous about getting lost in the secondary school because you have to go to different classes at different times and its really hard to get around without loosing yourself! Fingers crossed i don’t loose my self!

  16. Ansaar says:

    Hope everyone is happy with their new schools and I wish you guys all the best :D!

  17. Adi says:

    I’m excited because I’ve got a few friends there already and I’ll still see Yire on the bus to school. I’m also really nervous because similar to Imani because the school is quite big and I’ll probably get lost.

  18. TAHA says:

    I am really happy that I am going to secondary school because I will have my friends with me and I will not be lonely at all.

  19. Adi says:

    Lose not loose.

  20. Eleni says:

    I am a bit scared because it is very big and I only know a couple of people going there.

  21. Imani says:

    I am really happy because at least i’m going to school with lots of the people in the class so i wont be alone but i will obviously make new friends too. 🙂

  22. Catherine says:

    I’m definitely going to miss primary school but I’m excited for new challenges. I just hope I don’t lose touch with my Pelham friends even though I will make new ones.

  23. Ewen :) says:

    I am quite nervous to go to secondary school but I am also excited as there will be a range of different classes and new learning.

  24. Noam :) says:

    I am very exited because im going to meet new people

  25. Phoebe says:

    I am exited because I will get to met new people and I will finally be able to join a netball team!!! I’m really exited about that!!! I already know what it is like to move around a school( and I know how it fells to get lost!) so I should be fine for that. I’m happy that some of my friends are going to Ricards with me so I won’t be alone. I am good at making friends so I won’t worry about that. If Ricards has then I would like to join a drama and dance club. But I will miss everyone at Pelham.

  26. Amy :D says:

    I ma very exited! I have most of my friends numbers so I can always ask to meet up. I also think it would be great to make new friends. Most people do live near Pelham ,which I live near, so I could always meet up there. I can’t wait to learn new things and learn things in a different way!

  27. Grace says:

    I am very nervous about it, especially because no one else in the class is going to Sutton high. The school is so big(I hope I don’t accidentally get the lower school building mixed up with the upper school building.

  28. Max Essery says:

    I’m a bit scared because I’m not sure what to expect.

  29. Ewen says:

    Just wanted to point this out: many people are saying ‘exited’ instead of ‘excited’!

  30. Sule says:

    I feel like secondary school is going to be more challenging but also I won’t have any of my school friends coming with me. But I definitely agree with Sasha. FUN DAY!

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