Votes for Schools

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27 Responses to Votes for Schools

  1. Amy :D says:

    I think it is very bad what we are doing to animals. We are ruining their habitat just for us. Animals have died. There are very few people helping. there is only 1600 giant pandas left because of us.

  2. Ewen :) says:

    I think that we don’t necessarily need to give wildlife more space, we just need to keep what habitats they have and stop destroying the environment.

  3. Eleni says:

    We should give them more because we have treated the world more badly and currently we have 90% of the world and the wild life only have 10% of the world and they should have equal rights as well.

  4. Catherine says:

    I agree with Ewen, the animals don’t need more space, we just need to protect the space they already have and try to stop killing as many animals.

  5. RAYAN (β€’ α—œ β€’) says:

    I think we should as most of our food is mainly coming from animals and as they give us food we should give our appreciation by giving them half our land.

    I also agree with Ewen i think we shouldn’t as animals dont need much space not every where you go you would see an animal like the forest for an example it looks like there are a lot of animals living there but really there isn’t many half of the land that they already have is not bieng used by them and giving them more space would be a waste as us humans could be using that space for something else and it wouldn’t give us humans many space to so really we should be thinking about the humans and the animals not just the animals.
    P.S WOW! Mr Burns i am loving the ospreys blog πŸ™‚

  6. Max Essery says:

    Personally I don’t think we should because if we put the whole earth in half the space the population will get bigger and we will get less space and then if we try to take back the other half then it will be a lot harder . Also we only have 20 percent of the earths surface and fish have 80 percent.

  7. Sophia says:

    I think we should because what we are doing to animals is terrible and they deserve to have vast, wild habitats not to be in a small space or in a cage.

  8. JAKE says:

    I think that we should be more inclined in giving at least a third of our planet if not a bit more to wildlife but we humans do take up a lot of room by just doing our everyday activity’s.

  9. Elpida says:

    I don’t think we should give them half the earth but as much area and the surroundings they need to survive because if we give them that much, there might not be enough space left for the humans and the animals not needing that much. We both should have eaqual rights and should respect the animals as much as we would respect something else because they are living things too and have feelings just like us.

  10. JAKE says:

    Sorry I didn’t mean to send that.

  11. Ilaria :) says:

    I think we should give wildlife more of the earth than us. We live in homes, they live in: forests,jungles,farms,oceans/rivers ETC. some animals are even endangered because of us humans taking away their food from them or destroying their habitats. We can nearly eat anything whilst animals/wildlife have a diet they need to restrict to otherwise they could get ill or possibly die.We could easily have a calmer lifestyle by walking to school/work or taking a bus or train (which is much better than taking a car) or ride a bike to get to work or school and I know some people live quite far away from there school/work but you could just try to wake up earlier and try get to school/work on time.

  12. Aurora says:

    Hi Aurora hear. I think yes.

  13. yes but we can kill some animals because if we don’t ther will be to many animals
    and it will to smll because we will grow and they will grow

  14. Sasha says:

    I don’t think that we need to give half the world to the animals because they already have their own home but people like us are destroying it!

  15. Noam save the turtles! says:

    there is this thing that helps you save the worldbye just going on a specific browser to save the turtles.

    yes agree we should give haf of the earth to the anials and even a bit ore han haf because some people or many were greedy and ony cared about themself because without lets saycows or goats we would not have cheese or withoutchikens we wouldent have chiken eather or eaven like dophins we wouldnt see beuty in the sea or land

  16. Noam save the turtles! says:

    this is very intresting

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