Yearbook Cover Competition -Shortlist Reveal

Thank you to everyone who has worked so hard on their yearbook cover art. This year had by far the highest quantity of exceptional entries. It was an incredibly difficult choice whittling down all the artworks to a final shortlist. Mrs Greer, Mrs Watson and I deliberated for a long time but we now have a shortlist!


 Ilaria -Ospreys

 Mina -Owls

 Sarah -Owls

 Elpida -Ospreys

 Imani -Ospreys

Well done to Ilaria, Mina, Sarah, Elpida and Imani.

The winner will be revealed at our Leavers’ Assembly when we hand out the published yearbooks! 🙂

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12 Responses to Yearbook Cover Competition -Shortlist Reveal

  1. Yeseo (•-•) says:

    Well done! (I bet the teachers had a hard time picking! 😮 )

  2. Phoebe says:

    Well done to Imani, Elpida, Sarah, Mina and Ilaria! All of the covers are lovely! I especialy like the balloons on Elpida’s cover, they look so realistic!! I like that Mina put 2020 in Roman numerials( MMXX) I like that Imani put the osprey’s wing over the owl. I really like how Sarah incorparated the Willow tree. And lastly, I like how Ilaria put a splash of paint with everyone’s name in!

    Well done to all of you!!

  3. Sophia says:

    Well done to everyone who is on the shortlist! They are really good.

  4. Sasha says:

    Well done everybody! I think that the covers were really good! 😀

  5. Elpida says:

    They all look so good!

  6. Ansaar says:

    Congratulations to all the top five!! I can see how much effort you must have put into this artwork. Also,I agree with Yeseo entirely the teachers must have had a hard time choosing between you guys! Well done!!! 😀

  7. Imani says:

    Well done everyone!!the teachers must have had a really hard time picking but i am sooooo happy i got into the top 5!!! 🙂

  8. JAKE says:


  9. Catherine says:

    Well done everyone, they all look amazing!

  10. Grace says:

    The teachers probably stayed up till midnight deciding. Well done for deciding teachers and congratulations to the final five designers. They look amazing! How did the teachers decide on one of your spectacular designs.

  11. Amy :D says:

    These all look great and each one deserves to be on the shortlist however, there are some I am surprised aren’t on there!

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