Black History Month


Black figures are still underrepresented in our society, which means that celebrating our black heroes is more important than ever now.  In our history lessons, we have been thinking about how the past can influence the present, and how we can learn from previous experiences.  Black History Month is an important vehicle to enable us to both recognise the pioneers of the past and to celebrate the trailblazers of today.

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34 Responses to Black History Month

  1. Kirishaa says:

    I really like that you added Caiden’s work and also I really like his work it is really good and it looks amazing! Well done Caiden!

    • swatson says:

      Thanks for the feedback Kirishaa, I totally agree with you about Caiden’s artwork, he’s produced a really strong visual message and presented it beautifully and in real style.

  2. Pippa says:

    I think it is good that we are celebrating black history month

  3. Maggy says:

    Nice work Caiden! Love the BLM artwork. Very cool.

  4. Ananya says:

    I love your art work Caiden!

  5. Isla says:

    I love your artwork Caiden it really represents Black Lives Matter and I like the Romero Britto twist in i1t

  6. Sammy says:

    hello everyone i really like the drawing/work caiden did it looks really nice

  7. Ahmet says:

    hi guys! black history month work was amazing caiden!

  8. Harvey says:

    hey everyone (love your work Caiden). I think its really good for us to be celebrating Black History month if everyone saw this I think they would be proud!
    back in the day when black people didnt have privilages eve3rything was unfair which is why i stand for BLM have a good day

  9. Pirasan says:

    I think your picture is amazing! I also think that white and black people should be treated the same and live a peacful life.

  10. Georgia says:

    I think it’s important that we learn about black lives matter and black history, as it means we can learn about how we can try make a difference in this world.

  11. zara says:

    This blog is really nice with all the Black History Month pictures

  12. Ezra says:

    hello, nice work caiden on your black history month we have a romero britto in our class /caiden.

  13. alfie says:

    i like your poster caiden blacklivesmatter

  14. Luqman says:

    Caiden I really like your artwork and i like the Romero Britto style it really represents BLM.

  15. Ezra says:

    sorry I mean black lives matter

  16. jack says:

    I think we are doing the right thing when we are learning about black lives because they really do matter. Also, I think some black lives have had a really big impact in making this world equal

  17. lacy says:

    hi i completely agree with u Mrs Watson

  18. Tom says:

    I think black history month should be thoroughly considered as black lives matter!
    Also some poeple are not as fortunate as us because of their race.

  19. kirishaa says:

    Hi I don’t know any thing about black history month but i am looking forward to learning all about it.

  20. lara says:

    I also agree with you Mrs Watson, you’re absolutely right!

  21. Harvey❤ says:

    Its really good we are doing black history month because it leads to BLM

  22. romaine says:

    black people should be treated the same

  23. Doni says:

    Caiden’s BLM artwork looks really nice! I think it shows black and white people are equal.

  24. Miss genas says:

    I feel its great we celebrate black history month but would be even better if it was celebrated all year round.

  25. Pippa says:

    I agree with everyone else about how good your BLM poster is Caiden 🙂

  26. Iasna says:

    Caiden’s work really punches in the ‘all lives matter’ slogan. Well done!

  27. Claribel says:

    The art looks amazing

  28. TOM says:

    WOW!! Caiden that is amazing!

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