Author Archives: kruthven

Spellings Wednesday 22nd January spelling test Monday 27th January

This week, we are adding -ed, -est, -ing, -er and -y to words with an ‘e’ at the end with a consonant before it.

A root word is the basic form of a word before any parts are changed or added on. We have seen how root words can be changed by adding different suffixes (endings)…

hiking, hiked, hiker, nicer, nicest, shiny, being, shining, scary

We are still working on using dictionaries in class, how does changing the suffix change the meaning of these words?

Can you write sentences that include these words, or more than one word? e.g.

Miss Smith was the nicest teacher in the school, but Mr Brown was even nicer!

Wednesday 8th January Spelling test Monday 13th January

Happy New Year! We hope you had a great break.

Adding –ed, -er
and –est to a word ending in –y with a consonant before it

copier, copied, happier, happiest, cried, replied, tried, dried, driest

This term, we are learning to use dictionaries and thesauri to support our learning. The following activities could be used to support learning spellings;

  • Write your spellings in alphabetical order, sing the ‘ABC’ song to help  you!
  • Look your spellings up in a dictionary, write out a definition
  • Look your spellings up in a thesaurus, can you write out synonyms for them?

Spellings Wednesday 30th October Test Monday 4th November

Spelling the sound /l/ with the letters ‘le’ at the end of words.

It definitely feels like Autumn now! Perhaps you would like to write your spellings out with Autumn colours to make a pattern?

Some children are now working on fewer spellings, please speak to your child’s class teacher if you’d like a reminder of how many to focus on. The spelling test will always be in the order the words are listed.

table, apple, bottle, little, middle, able, wobble, multiple, dazzle