The stressed /er/ sound spelt with ‘or’ after w and the /or/ sound spelt ‘ar’ after w
word, work, worm, world, worth, worst, war, warm, towards
The children love wordsearches! Here is one you can do at home, or maybe children could make their own? 30.3.20 Word Search Black and White
We hope you are all well, we really miss seeing Swifts and Swallows!
Keep checking the school’s Home Learning page as the Senior Leadership Team are working hard to add videos and interactivity to Pelham’s home schooling experience.
Our aim is to keep the same routine with spellings as if we were at school;
Tues/ Weds– new spellings on blog
Throughout the week– practise your spellings in a variety of ways
Monday– have a spelling test at home, mark your spellings with the help of an adult and make corrections with a different coloured pen.
Spellings are something that are good to keep ‘ticking over’ as they can be easily forgotten without regular practice, so we hope you keep up the great work at home.