Skills Builder: Legal Eagles


Well done junior lawyers for working so brilliantly today in your groups trying to crack your cases. I really feel that we have made a breakthrough today whilst focusing on our Teamwork essential skill.

What qualities make a strong and robust team? Detailed answers only please!

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15 Responses to Skills Builder: Legal Eagles

  1. Misha Khoteev says:

    1) They communicate openly with each other, sharing their thoughts, opinions, and ideas with members of their team as well as understand what others have to say. Communication is essential for keeping track of progress and working together efficiently on tasks. Poor communication can lead to crossed wires, which can mean work is left incomplete or incorrect or conflicts can arise.
    2) They agree on and set team goals based on outcomes and results, rather than just on the amount of work being done. A clear plan can then be set about how they are going to achieve these objectives, as a group, as well as each individual’s contribution. This provides them with clear direction and gives them something to aim for collectively.
    3) Each member of the team contributes their fair share of the workload and fully understands what their responsibilities are and where they fit in with the running of the business. They feel a sense of belonging to the team, are committed to their work, and really care about the success of their group success.
    4) A strong team usually has a leader that they trust and respect. This individual essentially works as the glue holding the team together and should be responsible for setting the pace, offers encouragement and motivation, and keeps all members of the team updated.
    5) Organization is essential for the smooth running of a project. Without it, the workplace can become chaotic and goals are unlikely to be achieved.
    6) They should have fun

  2. Aika says:

    1.Sharing ideas
    2.Listening to everyone
    3.Taking turns
    4.Encourage everyone
    5.Support others who feel left out

  3. Iasna says:

    1. Making sure that everyone has the turn to speak and listen. Take turns!
    2. Participating and sharing good ideas- not only nonesence.
    3. Problem solving. If you are struggling, or can’t choose which idea to pick, you could have a democratic vote, and make the majority of people happy. You could compramise, and figue out which idea will have the best outcome. You ould find the pros and cons of all the ideas and find out which one is the best. Also, you could combine your ideas or get a trustworthy leader to make a decision.
    4. Staying positive and motivated. It is always important to have a happy group, and that will ALWAYS effect the outcomes of your final work.
    5.They will keep track of the time and do their work in the time they are given. If they have finished early the would not waste time and check their work or do anything else they have not finished.
    6. They will keep track of all there ideas and thoughts relevent to their work on a piece of paper so they will not forget them.
    7. They will cheer up their teammates if they look anxious or glum.
    8. Work as a team! 🙂

  4. Stanley says:

    Everyone should get a chance to share their ideas as well as listen to what the other members have to say.Talking and communicating is essential for getting tasks done within the time limit, also arguments can begin within the group when, people are not getting listened to,tasks are not getting completed or if the tasks are incorrect.There should always be a leader or maybe two leaders who motivate and encourge other members to do the best they can,they should keep trak of time and keep the team updated.Organisation is onther thing that leaders should do but it applise to anyone who is in the groupto do what they have been told to do.If all of these things are done then your taem will be very succsessfully and hopefully really really fun!

  5. athisayan says:

    evreyone well done from skills builders i really saw a lot of poeple using the skills and especially well done for my team who is league lion and the people who was in it is danny claribel mia and andrey

  6. Luke-_- says:

    Hi. I really enjoyed this project. I really did think Tyrees was guilty. I think these skills will help us for our future life. i thought Crimless Crew deserved to win. Was a bit disappointed beacuse we where in second but they did really well.:)

  7. Aika says:

    Well done Crimeless Crew!

  8. Livi and Ben says:

    I really enjoyed this project because I felt I improved on my listening skills and I wouldn’t interrupt anyone. Also I enjoyed the mock courtroom the most.

  9. Athisayan and Alistair says:

    To be a strong team we need to aim high and listen and share your idea.

  10. Zahraa and Luca. says:

    The Crimeless Crew deserved the win.
    Well done!

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