Climate Change

What have we learned about Climate Change?

What can we do to prevent it?

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12 Responses to Climate Change

  1. Eleni says:

    We could reduce the use of plastic we make we could use more electrical cars reduce the use of electricity and many more.

  2. Eleni;) says:

    People are skipping school just to go on marches some are getting arrested for not moving or sitting on the road it proves how much we want to save our planet.

  3. Sophia says:

    We could reduce the use of petrol cars and gases and fuel that flouts around in the air.

  4. Yeseo :] says:

    I think we should be thankful to the people going on strike to alert people about climate change. They are taking time off their schedule so that the world could be better.

  5. TAHA says:

    I am really worried about the thing that might happen in the future life.

  6. Imani says:

    To prevent climate change we could stop burning green house gasses in factory’s and make a machine that eats plastic and transforms it into something better.

  7. Amy says:

    Climate change is very important and should be taken more seriously. So many animals are dying because of climate change (especially polar bears.) What we could do for a start is to use less petrol and use more electrical cars and stop using greenhouse gases.

  8. max says:

    Sophia did you know that by law in 2050 all cars must be eletric. So in a way we will limit petrol and gas so much that it will be illegal.

  9. Catherine says:

    I realised that my challenge is actually a pesketarian challenge not vegetarian. I am eating fish.

  10. Ethan says:

    Throwing PLASTIC AWAY!!!(not in the bin) kills turtles…

  11. Sophia says:

    I think that having electric cars is going to be very different but very good. Also there’s been lots of cars queuing in Southy road because of traffic which means there has been lots of petrol fumes coming into our playground which isn’t good to breath in.

  12. Ethan says:

    We have learnt that we are destroying the world and we are doing nothing about it I mean look we’ve got electric bikes which is still bad for the environment how

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