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10 Responses to Inspiration

  1. Sasha says:

    I think this quote means that if you have a hard time and you go through a lot of problems in the end it might get resolved or fixed.

  2. Ewen says:

    My theory is that it means if you challenge yourself enough, you will always come through.

  3. Eleni;) says:

    I think this quote means that if you go down the learning pit and get things wrong you will always come out thinking you can do anything.

  4. Imani says:

    For me this quote means, there might be problems but you can persevere.This quote reminds me of the learning pit because you are facing a problem and working to get through it.This quote also makes me feel like i can get something wrong and it doesen’t matter because sometimes people get things wrong.

  5. Yeseo :] says:

    It is not literal, but it is metaphorical. It means that if you work hard, you get a good result.

  6. Catherine says:

    I like this quote because it is true: if you work hard then you will get far and succeed in life. Please post more quotes like this Mr.Burns, I enjoy talking about them.

  7. Ms. Ruthven says:

    I love this! Especially at a time you are thinking about resolutions for the New Year. Change often doesn’t happen quickly, often it is lots of small, consistent steps that make the biggest difference over time!

  8. TAHA says:

    What this quote means to me is that you have to work hard in life to be a successful person.


  9. max says:

    On my holidays it seems to be ,Beautifull destinations often lead to dificult roads.

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