PE -Hockey


What skills have we been focusing on in our hockey lessons this week?

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13 Responses to PE -Hockey

  1. Ansaar says:

    We learned how to intercept the ball from another player. As well as that, we learned how to pass and stop the ball.

  2. Yire says:

    We had learnt how to intercept the ball and pass the ball while having a defender. Also, we have learnt to stop the ball.

  3. Jake says:

    Yes precisely that and to not get your thumb smashed into a hockey stick
    by accident causing it to bleed.

  4. Yeseo says:

    We learned how to intercept the ball, holding the hockey stick, passing and dribbling and how to stop the ball.

  5. Ariel ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) says:

    How to intercept the ball and passing. We learned this by playing piggy in the middle.

  6. Sophia says:

    We have been focusing on passing and receiving the ball, holding the hockey stick, stopping the ball and dribbling the ball.

  7. Catherine says:

    We have been learning how to play a push pass, stop the ball and intercept the ball. I can’t wait for the next lesson!

  8. shaeylah; says:

    amazing PE skills

  9. Mina says:

    Looks like you have been having some fun in your PE lessons!

  10. Aurora says:

    PE is really fun and we were learning well because of are outstanding teachers. This trm is briliant

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