Philosophy 4 Children

Have a look at the above image and think of some deep philosophical questions that you could ask to stimulate some interesting discussion. Please add in the comments! 🙂

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30 Responses to Philosophy 4 Children

  1. Catherine says:

    Does technology make you more stressed or angry?
    Did they use lots of red and black in the picture to imply anger?

  2. ethan says:

    I think that is a vires and is braking your computer but is your face

  3. Imani says:

    Is the internet hurting us or affecting us if we use it to much?

  4. Ansaar says:

    Is this a sign that someone maybe cyber-bullying someone else? I think that because the fist is coming out of the computer screen and has blood on it as if it has hurt somebody.

  5. TAHA says:

    In this picture I think technology makes you so stressed it makes you feel like you are being hit in the face. It can also make you feel so small as if you are being boxed up in a little box.

  6. Yeseo (@-@) says:

    Does this have anything to do with cyber-bullying?
    I personally think that the person who had the glasses was angry but I don’t quite know why yet.

  7. Ansaar says:

    Is this showing that black lives matter because of what is happening now in the world and about equal rights. I think this because of the use of colours on that picture.

  8. Sasha says:

    Does the internet make you upset or unhappy?
    Is this a type of bullying and if it is, what type?
    Does this also talk about Black Lives Matter?
    What does the blood represent?
    Does the colour red show us madness?
    I think that the fist is showing that even if your looking at a screen you can still get hurt (not physically) but by someone else playing on that game that you don’t know!

  9. Adi says:

    Does this resemble how cyber bullying and verbal abuse can still hurt someone mentally?
    Is technology letting people into random peoples lives?

  10. Adi says:


  11. Sam says:

    i think its a reference to stay away from online trolls and bully’s

  12. Imani says:

    Is the internet making us feel more powerful against others?
    Is this image telling us to break free from our computers and other devices?

  13. Ilaria! says:

    I think this picture is about black lives not wanting to be seen as a threat but just another human being! They will fight for their rights and freedom whatever it takes until they get it!They’ve had enough, too many black lives get killed for no reason and its very unfair.Nobody should be treated differently just because of the colour of their skin.
    Why are people treated differently for the colour of their skin?
    Should the police start having different rules before sending someone to jail or killing them?

  14. Sam says:

    i agree with Taha its showing that you can get quite angry and frustrated with online games

  15. TAHA says:

    Why are there hands coming out of the computer?
    Why are the glasses broken?
    Why is there blood on his hand?
    Why is the room red?
    Why does it look like a horror movie?
    These are some questions I came up with.

  16. Elpida says:

    When I first saw the image the first thing that came to my head was the Black Lives Matter as the fist coming out of the screen looks like the one symbolising/representing it.

    1. What does the fist mean/symbolise?
    2. Does the hand symbolise anger or freedom or something else?
    3. Is it to do with something online?
    4. Does it have to do something to do with cyber-bullying?

  17. Phoebe says:

    Is this cyber bullying?
    Can you suffer hard from you see or read on a screen?
    Does the blood indicate anger or hurt?

  18. Amy :D says:

    Is technology taking over our everyday lives?
    Does the fist symbolize power?
    Does the fist mean weakness?

  19. aburns says:

    Wow guys, you continue to impress me with your interpretation of an ambiguous stimulus. Lots of really interesting commentary. I’m finding it difficult to choose a question at the moment!

  20. Ewen :) says:

    How much of our emotions is controlled by technology?

  21. Joey says:

    I fill like this showing him beating himself up

  22. Anonymous says:

    It could also be showing how technology can be harmful.

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