School Council

Thank you to Suleman for feeding back at today’s class council.

We have voted for Cancer Research UK as our charity of choice for upcoming fundraising.

Please leave suggestions in the comments on how we can raise money for this very important charity. 

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25 Responses to School Council

  1. Eleni says:

    Maybe we could do a treasure hunt.

  2. Ewen says:

    I think Cancer research UK was a good charity to support as it helps lots of people over-come a very common illness.

  3. Eleni says:

    Colourful run (run in vibrant colourful clothes)
    Debate competition

    • Elpida says:

      I like the idea Eleni suggested about wearing vibrant and/or colourful clothes and do some sort of sport or some laps around the playground.

  4. Catherine says:

    How ever many laps around the playground we can do in half an hour, or however long our PE session is, we get that amount in pounds from parents and carers.
    Or we could do hits for half an hour and every different exercise we do we get £3. So if we did 6 different hits then we get £18. But if someone gets too tired and they only do 4 exercises then they get £12.

  5. Yeseo (;-;) says:

    I really want to do something like a PGT!
    (Especially because I’m devastated that we can’t do it this year.)

  6. Phoebe says:

    Maybe we could do a vibrant colour run or a treasure hunt.

    I also like everyone’s ideas as well.

  7. Grace says:

    Maybe one person from each house could hide treasures (in house colour)around the school playground and you can only pick up a treasure that is your house colour.

  8. Payam says:

    Maybe we can do laps around the playground, and how many laps we do, that’s how much money we make.

  9. Tyler says:

    I do not know know what to but this is a great charity to support, hopefully we can raise a bit of money for sick people to get better.

  10. Elpida says:

    I love your idea Yeseo !!!!

  11. Louie says:

    We could wear pyjamas to school all day for a donation.

  12. Sophia says:

    I think we should do a big run around the play ground in t-shirts the colour of the cancer research logo like; blue, pink, purple and colours like that.

  13. Noam says:

    Yeah, lets do the treasure hunt!

  14. Amy says:

    I think we could do something sporty and every person could also bring in a book, toy or some money, and bring it to a charity shop.

    For the sporty idea, we could wear blue or pink or purple clothes and go in the playground and run laps. The teacher could blow a whistle, and each time they do we could do something like press ups or star jumps.

  15. TAHA says:

    I think it is a very good idea to support cancer research UK because cancer is a really common and really dangerous disease and I wish to support it.

  16. Jake says:

    I agree with Catherine we should do hits.

  17. Ansaar says:

    I am really glad we are supporting this charity because, like Taha said it is a very common disease and so we should give a lot of help.

  18. Catherine says:

    I have a combination idea of mine and Louie’s. Running laps in our pyjamas!

  19. Ethan says:

    We can see how many doughnuts we can eat in a certain time and pizza

  20. Ethan says:

    I am really annoyed because now have to do WWF and it is a good cause but we always do it

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