We’ve gone Maths crazy! Primary Mathematics Challenge 2019

It was such a pleasure to give out so many certificates for the Primary Mathematics Challenge this morning in assembly. What a fantastic group of Maths ambassadors we have at Pelham! They tackled a very tough Maths paper last week with a great ‘Growth Mindset’ approach, and we are really proud of all of them.

Year 5, I hope to see you back next year! Year 6, I hope you continue to stretch and challenge your Maths skills at High School.


You can find our more about this challenge on the link above.

Do you love Maths? There are lots of past papers available for free on the website, why don’t you give one a go?


Wimbledon Bookfest Young Writers’ Winners 2019

A HUGE congratulations to our Bookfest winners this year!


Elliot and Catherine

Highly Commended

Rosie, Iasna, Taisiya



Some of their fantastic stories and poems have been published in an amazing anthology that can be found in the Pelham Primary library.

Do you love English and writing? Please join our lunchtime writing clubs in KS1 and KS2 in the Spring Term for Bookfest Young Writers’ Competition 2020!

Ms. Ruthven

Ready for research!

Very interesting second session with Year 6 today.

Groups are formed and research questions written down.

Some very insightful questions and discussions today;

How long will we live for in 100 years time? Will it be a good quality of life?

Will we be able to go for holidays in space when we are older?

What will be the main source of fuel in 100 years time? We then discussed the volatility of some energy sources.

Will we be able to travel outside our solar system?

Could we be living on Mars?

For next week

  • Start some research at home, if you would like. This can be with your group or individually.
  • Think about the form your presentation will take in Week 5…Powerpoint? Poster? Model? Newspaper article? Artwork? Video?

STEEAM display outside hall

New STEEAM display outside the hall. Can you spot some of the questions we discussed in our last session when you walk past?

My favourite is still, ‘what will we do with the poo of 10 billion people?’

Thank you to Mr Woolton and Doves class for the fantastic faces to enhance our display, there are 100 there!

There is a QR code on the display, bottom right, that links to this blog.

Ms. Ruthven


Making a catapult is easy, right?

Fantastic first session of STEEAM with Year 6 today. Engineering warm-up and great discussions around what humankind has achieved in the last 100 years and what it might achieve in the next.

For next week;

  • Identify your research question
  • Form a group to work with (though you can work on your own, if you wish)
  • Think about how you might like to present your research in week 5 to Parents and Carers

Thank you to Mrs Sheridan for leading Year 6 STEEAM!

Ms. Ruthven